The Full Moon & Summer Solstice Showdown!

Nothing beats a good ol' Full Moon and if you're like the majority of the planet, you love Summer too. Now, you may or may not know this, but twice a year we are blessed with what's called a 'Solstice'.

There are two types of Solstices, a 'winter solstice'; the shortest day of the year where the sun is at it's lowest at the time of noon and then the 'summer solstice'; naturally the longest day of the year where the sun is at it's highest point at noon.  

Throughout millennia we, as in the star-gazing space watchers of Earth through-out existence, have celebrated these annual ecliptic events, be it through the eyes of spiritual beliefs, investigative study or in mesmerised awe. In utilising these solstices, equinoxes and moon phases, our ancestors mapped out calendars, star maps, land maps and created agricultural systems that still serve us greatly to this very day. Cheers Pioneers!  
The Milky Way

We're definite believers in that exterior forces & energies have direct, conscious / unconscious effects on our mind, bodies and souls. For example, if what science has taught us is true and on average we consist of around 60% water within an adult human body one could suggest that we synchronise significantly with our Earth which consists of 70% water. Interestingly that's same amount of water found during our infancy (0-1 years of age).

With this in mind, let's take what we know and use the facts and evidence we have. Our Moon and Sun each day come rain or shine changes the water of the planet on a global scale i.e the rise and falling of sea levels (tides). Although consistent, these patterns vary depending on where and at what points the Sun and Moon are in.

It wouldn't be too far-fetched to assume that these forces MUST have an affect on us, whether we know it or not. Come on, let's break it down, let's imagine we jump into the sea "whey woohoo" we're havin' a laugh, cause a splash & perhaps a satisfying ripple but let's face it, we're not shifting tidal. So imagine that the Moon moves the entire body of our oceans in one orbit... That's some serious pulling energy.
Sorry guys, you can't take that out with with you... Or can you?

Each Moon phase travels around our planet hitting different latitudes and longitudes and by default affecting everyone in different ways and effectively can change our behaviours, our emotions and most likely our experiences in day to day life. So if you've got the right 'know-how' and are 'space savvy' you could potentially use these powerful energies to assist you in your day to day life and in your future too. Now that's how to pull.

So what's this all got to do with the solstice? You ask.

Well, save this date June 20th 2016, is this the date of the Northern Hemisphere's Summer Solstice (Sunrise 04.43am GMT) and we're lucky enough here in the U.K to be blessed with a Full Moon from midday (12.02pm GMT) onwards and throughout.

Summer Solstice - Stone Henge, Wiltshire, England

Whether you're attending one of the many Solstice festivals and gatherings around the globe or paying your respects and wishes in your own unique way, rest assured that this year, is set to bring a powerful combo of Solar and Lunar energy like you've never felt before! Get yourselves out there and join in with everyone celebrating this magnificent time in our lives.

There are a bunch of ways to celebrate and plenty of rituals, spells and wishes that you can perform in a variety of ways to make the most out of each Full Moon and Summer Solstice. Zen's got you covered! Here's a couple of things to get you started...

  • Cleansing your crystals and sacred instruments is always a must for each Full Moon, Solstice and Equinox, here's a handy video for you to watch to get some tips and ideas on how to do it below.  

  • As the time draws closer, there's no time like the present to get your tools together to fulfil your Full Moon desires. Just in time, The Zen Shop have just released a beautiful range of handy 'How to Kits' specifically designed to get you started along your spiritual journeys. 
Although there's a variety of options to choose from, we think that for this Summer's Solstice and Full Moon that the 'Full Moon Wish - How to Perform - Manifestation Kit' is the best option for anyone wanting to practice their lunar expertise. It has everything you need to perform your very own wish under the Full Moon and can be shared with friends and family. Awooooo!

Wishing you all the most magical, illuminating & enlightening Summer Solstice and Full Moon ever!

Peace, Love & Light

x Zen x


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